Below is a list of locations/ postcodes that this product can not be delivered to. If ordered to one of these locations, your order will not be processed.
Scotland, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man |
AB, BB, BD, BT, CA, CF, DD, DG, DH, DL, EH, EX, FK, FY, G, HG, HR, HS, HU, IV, KA, KW, KY, LA, LD, LL, LS, ML, NE, NP, PA, PH, PL, PR, SA, SR, SY, TA, TD, TQ, TR, TS, YO, ZE |
Malaysian Hardwood Plywood BB/CC is manufactured from tropical hardwood veneers throughout, normally bonded together with a phenol-formaldehyde adhesive, which has superior resistance to loss of bond strength with time. The tropical hardwoods come from a group of species of medium density and strength.
The BB/CC faces are solid, sanded and suitable for paint finish.