The clevis sling hook is a general purpose hook that forms part of our chain components range. Clevis sling hooks can be fitted straight onto a chain without the need for a connector. This type of lifting equipment has a built in safety latch that prevents slipping and offers adding lifting safety. Clevis sling hooks are used in most lifting sling applications. They have a painted finish and a stainless steel spring to prevent corrosion.
Note: This product is available in either green, yellow or orange.
Key Features:
- Conforms to EN 1677-4
- Alloy steel
- The links are suitable for use in a temperature range of -40C up to 200C without reduction in working load limit.
- Proof tested 2.5 times the working load limit of 4:1 W.L.L
- Fatigue rated 20,000 cyclic test